Yoga Therapy

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Yoga therapy is an individualized, holistic methodology that is used to address the various needs and conditions people are coming with into the practice. Using an incremental approach, Yoga Therapy can be used as a pre and post rehabilitative tool to heal from injury or surgery. It can be used to help bring relief and stabilize chronic and acute low back pain, labral tears, knee pain, hamstring tears, shoulder dysfunction, scoliosis, neurological disorders, insomnia, anxiety, hypertension, depression multiple sclerous and PTSD, just to name a few.

No two people are alike and Yoga Therapy is designed to take that into consideration. In a Yoga Therapy session, you will be evaluated and specific postures will be given to address your short term needs and long term goals, often aided by the use of props and hands on adjustments. 

The evidence based research on the benefits of Yoga Therapy continue to grow. Some studies have found that in addition to reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer patients, Yoga Therapy can also enable faster recovery after bypass surgery. In clinical trials, many patients with high blood pressure type II diabetes or asthma who began practicing yoga regularly, were able to lower the dosage of drugs they needed or eliminate some pills entirely. For patients, less medication means fewer side effects, as well as a greater monetary savings, which enables you to enjoy more of your life, unencumbered. 

To schedule a session or for any questions, please contact me.